Thursday, September 23, 2010

Market Update

Real Account
SP500 reached a high of 1147, a fibonacci level I had identified previously, and closed 25 points lower today. I missed that boat until this morning. But I do believe we are headed lower. My last two trades have been closed for small losses because the reversal I predicted did not come. The signs are all there, I think it is just a matter of time.

Virtual Account
Using the heat map, I identified a few opportunities last week. I shorted JOYG, BIIB, and VZ last week. VZ and JOYG got stopped out for a loss while BIIB is still an open position.

This week, JOYG remains as a possible sell position. Additionally, GILD is an excellent sell candidate. Also on the sell watchlist are:

No buy prospects this week, again.



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